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LCIA Method Data set: Human toxicity, cancer_inorganics (en) en
Key Data Set Information
Name Human toxicity, cancer_inorganics
Belongs to: Name of LCIA methodology/ies
  • Environmental Footprint
Impact category/ies
  • Cancer human health effects
Impact indicator Comparative Toxic Unit for human (CTUh)
General comment USEtox consensus multimedia model. It spans two spatial scales: continental scale consisting of six compartment (urban air, rural air, agricultural soil natural soil, freshwater, costal marine water), and the global scale with the same structure but without the urban air. Specific groups of chemicals requires further work
External documentation / files source
Quantitative reference
Reference quantity
Time representativeness
Reference year 2018
Duration of modelled impact time independent
Geographical representativeness
Intervention location GLO
Impact location GLO
Geographical representativeness description Applicable to world
Impact model
LCIA characterisation model(s) name(s) USEtox™
LCIA characterisation model description and included sub-models USEtox is the UNEP/SETAC scientific consensus model for characterizing human toxicological and ecotoxicological impacts of chemical emissions in life cycle assessment. It is based on existing LCIA toxicity characterization models. It includes all vital model elements of toxicological effects assessment.
Considered environmental or other mechanisms along the impact chain The USEtox model is built upon a multimedia model, integrating the entire cause-effect chain. It includes separate model components for calculating fate factors (FF), exposure factors (XF), and effect factors (EF). These components operate independently but their outputs are merged together to provide the characterization factors, CF, for human toxicity and freshwater ecotoxicity impacts, respectively.
LCIA method, normalisation, weighting
Type of data set Mid-point indicator
LCIA method principle(s)
  • other
Deviation from LCIA method principle(s) None
Normalisation included? No
Weighting included? No
Number of basic inventory items covered 1
Commissioner and goal
Commissioner of data set
Project LCIA method original development via a project under the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative . Documentation as ILCD formatted data set, mapping to the ILCD elementary flows (flowlist expanded to cover additional substances in 2018), and additional quality checks by the EC’s JRC-IES and with contractual support projects, partly financed under several Administrative Arrangements on the European Platform on LCA - EPLCA' between JRC and DG ENV
Intended applications Provide applicable recommended factors for about 1400 chemicals
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2018-09-20T15:25:21.805+01:00
Data entry by
Official recommendation
Recommendation level of LCIA method data set Level III
Publication and ownership
UUID 6c7a9d7d-4888-41ae-84bb-0d460ec52b80
Date of last revision 2018-10-20T00:00:00
Data set version 01.00.003
Permanent data set URI
Workflow and publication status Data set finalised; entirely published
Owner of data set
Copyright Yes
Flow Classification Location Exchange direction Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % Data derivation type / status Deviating recommendation Reference to data source(s)
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1368E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.1808E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.0946E-6 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 1.2158E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1368E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8072E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 4.8055E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2682E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 8.4095E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8039E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1471E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated