Elementary Flow Data set: hydrogen chloride (en) - Cobalt Institute LCA Data
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Elementary Flow Data set: hydrogen chloride (en)
Data set information
Name hydrogen chloride
Synonyms (36cl)hydrogen chloride;(39cl)hydrogen chloride;(3h)hydrogen chloride;17Cl;4-D Bowl Sanitizer;AC1L18YM;AC1Q38HZ;Acid, Hydrochloric;Acid, Muriatic;Acide chlorhydrique;Acido clorhidrico;Acido cloridrico;Anhydrous hydrochloric acid;Aqueous hydrogen chloride;Bowl Cleaner;CHLORO GROUP;Chloorwaterstof;Chloride, Hydrogen;Chlorohydric acid;Chlorowodor;Chlorure d'hydrogene anhydre;Chloruro de hidrogeno;Chlorwasserstoff;Cloruro de hidrogeno anhidro;DEUTERIUM CHLORIDE- D;DEUTERO HYDROCHLORIC ACID;Emulsion Bowl Cleaner;Flask adapter out of Tefzel(R)/PP;H1060;H1061;H1062;H1202;H1203;HCl;HYDROCHLORIC ACID, ACS;Hydrochloric acid (acid aerosols including mists, vapors, gas, fog, and other airborne forms of any particle size);Hydrochloric acid in 2-Propanol;Hydrochloric acid in ethanol;Hydrochloric acid in methanol;Hydrochloride_;Hydrogen Chloride - Butanol Reagent;Hydrogen Chloride - Methanol Reagent;Hydrogen chloride (HCl);Hydrogen chloride (gas only);Hydrogenchlorid;Hygeia Creme Magic Bowl Cleaner;IN1994;KST-1A0315;KST-1A1342;KST-1A2386;Muriatic acid;Now South Safti-Sol Brand Concentrated Bowl Cleanse with Magic Actio;Percleen Bowl and Urinal Cleaner;Spirits of salt;Varley Poly-Pak Bowl Creme;Varley's Ocean Blue Scented Toilet Bowl Cleaner;Wasserstoffchlorid;White Emulsion Bowl Cleaner;Wuest Bowl Cleaner Super Concentrated;X0038;X0039;X0041;[HCl];chlorane;chloridohydrogen;chlorum;chlorure d'hydrogene;cloruro de hidrogeno;hydrochloric acid
Class name : Hierarchy level
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  • ILCD: Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water
CAS Number 7647-01-0
General comment Reference elementary flow of the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD).
Quantitative reference
Reference Flow Property
LCI method
Type of flow Elementary flow
Compliance Declarations
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Fully compliant
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2012-01-12T15:51:35.608+01:00
Data set format(s)
Publication and ownership
UUID 08a91e70-3ddc-11dd-97fd-0050c2490048
Data set version 03.00.004
Permanent data set URI http://lca.jrc.ec.europa.eu/lcainfohub/datasets/ilcd/flows/08a91e70-3ddc-11dd-97fd-0050c2490048.xml
Flow Property Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % Data derivation type / status General comment
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %